Digital Literacy Series: eDiscovery Mini Series

eDiscovery Mini Series - Episode 1: eDiscovery Evolution – Setting up for Success

On 17 February 2022, as the first episode of five in CLI’s Digital Literacy Series: eDiscovery Mini Series, Kate Clark, CEO, Enhanced Litigation Management Solutions set the scene and context for the mini series by discussing how eDiscovery has evolved in Australia.

Kate was joined by guest panellists who shared their practical experience and candid insights: Nicholas Andreatidis, Queens Counsel; Natalie Burgess, Senior Associate, Maddocks; and Kiri Parr, Former General Counsel, Arup.

Topics covered in this session included:

  • The evolution of eDiscovery in Australia
  • The problems eDiscovery can solve (beyond litigation)
  • Where to begin before embarking on the eDiscovery process
  • The importance of developing an effective document management strategy
  • The pros and cons of DIY vs an eDiscovery provider
  • The importance of ediscovery capabilities

You’ll find information about the other episodes in this series here. The series is presented in association with Enhanced Litigation Management Solutions.

If you would prefer to listen rather than watch this episode, you’ll find the podcast in our The Legalpreneurs Sandbox podcast series here.