Legal Techy Tuesday Series: Everchron Virtual Demo

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On 14 June 2022, Kate Clark, CEO, Enhanced Litigation Management Solutions (ELMS) demonstrated Everchron – a collaborative case management platform for litigators!

Manual chronology building and preparation of advanced witness files in Excel or Word can be time intensive, not user friendly and hard to interrogate – that’s where Everchron enters the picture!

Kate demonstrated how Everchron can:

  • Simply and easily build a chronology which can be shared with your internal or external legal team members, barristers, experts, and anyone else who requires access;
  • Collaborate around a single source of truth - always looking at the most up to date version of your chronology;
  • Connect chronology entries to issues and consequently building a master and issue-based chronology at the same time;
  • View the underlying documents and interact with them by searching, highlighting, and commenting;
  • Generate and update advanced witness files in real time, instantly forming connections between witnesses, documents, and issues; and
  • Manage, track, and collaborate around your case documents effectively (e.g., pleadings, advices, mediation papers, etc.) by having all of your key documents in one place.