08 February 2018

CLI Interview on Writs & Cures for ABC Radio Melbourne

Published on 08 February 2018

CLI Interview on Writs & Cures for ABC Radio Melbourne

Terri Mottershead, Director at the Centre for Legal Innovation, was interviewed on the ABC Radio Melbourne program, Writs and Cures, on the evening of Tuesday 6 February. Writs and Cures is a weekly radio program that looks at the issues of the week from the perspectives of a lawyer and doctor. The program is presented by Bill O’Shea, Lawyer and College of Law Governor, Steve Ellen, Health Professor and Lindy Burns, ABC Radio Presenter.

In this episode, Terri spoke with Bill, Dr. Nick Carr (the guest co-host filling in for Steve) and Lindy about the use of technology and artificial intelligence in legal practice, access to information and justice, the changing profile of the legal workforce, the work of the Centre for Legal Innovation, and a whole lot more.

If you would like to listen to the full interview, please click on this link: http://www.abc.net.au/radio/melbourne/programs/evenings/evenings/9377026

The Writs and Cures segment starts around 1:23 and runs for approximately 30 minutes.

Our thanks to everyone at Writs and Cures for having us on the show.

If you would like to know more about the topics discussed in the interview, please register your interest for the Centre’s second AI in Legal Practice Summit on 31 August 2018 in Sydney here